Aurelio F. Grillo Library

Book Purchase Service
Servizio Acquisto Libri – SALibri


The Book Purchase Service for the library is activated. This service will allow monthly book requests.

Following are the details of the service:

  1. The collection of requests is made only through the GSSI Support Service:

    1. The entry is as follows: Library – Book purchase request

  2. Requests must be made by Area Directors and professors, not by PhD students;

  3. Requests will be collected until the last day of the month;

    1. The order to the Commissioner will start on the 5th of each month, after the processing of requests received the previous month;

  4. Requests made in the first 5 days of the month will be processed the following month.

The follow up of the book purchase can be seen in the file SALibri_Total that will be updated with the date of arrival of the book and the collocation, once entered in the Library Management software.

I remain available for questions and clarifications

Matilda Clarkson