The Institutional Archive: IRIS-GSSI
IRIS-GSSI is the Institutional Archive, the repository that allows the insertion of bibliographic data and attachments of the publications and doctoral theses produced by the GSSI researchers.
The Products of the Research and the PhD Theses will be visible if they follow the Open Access policy agreed upon by accepting the Deposit Licence within the portal unless otherwise declared.
The link for the portal is the following: IRIS-GSSI
The login credentials are the same as those used for U-GOV services. The USERNAME is usually “”. If a password recovery is needed, please contact the GSSI Personnel Office. The IRIS-GSSI portal does not allow the user to perform a password recovery independently.
For a guide to use IRIS, you can view the following links (in Italian):
Institutional Research Information System (IRIS);
Tutorial video & Webinar
As an helping tool you can find:
Publication Licence Overview
User Manual for the submission of Publications
User Manual for the submission of PhD Theses
The best solution to spread publications without infringing copyright is to always upload the preprint or post-print of the publication into the Institutional Archive, choosing “visible in open access” as the dissemination option.
There are multiple versions of each publication, from the initial draft sent to the publisher up to the final published article, with different degrees of freedom regarding open access dissemination.
The preprint is the author’s original draft. It hasn’t gone through the peer review, or copy-editing, formatting and paging of the publisher processes yet. The responsibility of the contents is exclusively of the author. As a rule, the preprint can be loaded into IRIS-GSSI as visible in open access, with few exceptions.
The post-print is the author’s final draft, i.e. the version accepted for publication following peer review and review. It therefore contains any changes made by the author on the basis of the reviewers’ comments and communications with the publisher. It has not undergone proofreading, formatting and pagination of the publisher. In most cases, post-print can be loaded into IRIS-GSSI as visible in open access, sometimes with the specification of an embargo date, i.e. the date from which the file will be visible.
The editorial version is the final version published by the publisher. It always goes uploaded as not visible/AdministratorView, except in cases where it was published in an Open Access journal or the option to publish in Open Access has been paid, so it can be loaded as visible in Open Access.
Please be reminded that the English Abstract, ISBN, DOI are all mandatory for the VRQ valuation. When possible please add Scopus and WOS codes, as they are also important.
The file of the item must be in PDF format. The naming of the product’s file must have the following standard:
- Articles: Year(YYYY)_JournalAbbreviation_vol_Surname of first author.pdf (Ex: 2020_PhysRevLett_1**_***.pdf)
- Book chapters and Books: Year(YYYY)_BookChapter_Surname of first author.pdf (Ex: 2020_BookChapter_***.pdf)
- The pdf file must also include the front page and index
- Alternately the SCOPUS or WOS codes must be included
- Only the personal contribution must be uploaded, not the entire volume
- Proceedings: Year(YYYY)_Name of symposium(Abbreviation)_vol(if present)_Surname of first author.pdf (Ex: 2020_JPhysConfSer_(1**)_***.
pdf) - The pdf file must also include the front page and index
- The webpage allows the download of the front matter and table of contents of most Congress Proceedings
- Alternately the SCOPUS or WOS codes must be included
- Only the personal contribution must be uploaded, not the entire volume
- The pdf file must also include the front page and index
- PhD theses: Year(YYYY)_PhDThesis_Surname.
pdf (Ex: 2020_PhDThesis_***.pdf)
Sherpa Romeo can be used to check the Publisher Policy for a specific Journal, where Open Access pathways, permitted by each journal’s policy, are listed by article version. Please use this tool to check the Publisher policy for Open Access for the deposit in the Institutional Archive (Repository).
To guarantee the rights of use of the publications, including that of deposit in the GSSI Institutional Archive, it is good practice that the author requests the publisher to insert a clause that allows him to make his publication visible in Open Access on the Institutional Archive.
To be sent to the publisher together with the Copyright Transfer Agreement for the filing of documents still to be published on IRIS-GSSI:
Article application
Conference proceedings application
Book chapter application
To be used for documents already published for which permission is requested from the publisher for filing on IRIS-GSSI:
Article application
Conference proceedings application
Book chapter application
- A copyright transfer agreement or copyright assignment agreement: [Wikipedia] is an agreement that transfers the copyright for a work from the copyright owner to another party. In academic publishing, copyright transfer agreements do not normally involve the payment of remuneration or royalties. Such agreements are a key element of subscription-based academic publishing, and have been said to facilitate the handling of copyright-based permissions in print-only publishing. In the age of electronic communication, the benefits of copyright transfer agreements have been questioned, and while they remain the norm, open licenses as used in Open Access publishing have been established as an alternative.
- Settore Scientifico Disciplinare – SSD Teaching and Research Sectors used in the Italian University.
- Preprint / Submitted version / Author’s original version / Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM): [Elsevier] The preprint is the author’s own write-up of research and analysis that has not been peer reviewed, nor had any other value added to it by a publisher (such as formatting, copy-editing, technical enhancements, and the like). [Oxford University Press] The author’s original version is the un-refereed author version of an article completed before submission of the article to the journal. The author accepts full responsibility for the article, and the content and layout is set out by the author. [Taylor & Francis] Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM) Your original manuscript (sometimes called a “preprint”) before you submitted it to a journal for peer review. [Wiley] The submitted (preprint) version is the author’s version that has not been peer-reviewed, nor had any value added to it by the Editor (such as formatting or copy editing). The author accepts full responsibility for the article, and the content and layout is set out by the author.
- Post-print / Accepted manuscript / Author’s accepted manuscript / Accepted (peer-reviewed) version: [Elsevier] The accepted manuscript is the manuscript of an article that has been accepted for publication and which typically includes author-incorporated changes suggested during submission, peer review, and editor-author communications. They do not include other publisher value-added contributions such as copy-editing, formatting, technical enhancements, and, if relevant, pagination. [Oxford University Press] The accepted manuscript is the final draft author manuscript, as accepted for publication by a journal, including modifications based on referees’ suggestions, before it has undergone copyediting, typesetting and proof correction. [Taylor & Francis] The version of a journal article that has been accepted for publication in a journal. [Wiley] The accepted (peer-reviewed) version of an article is the version that incorporates all amendments made during the peer review process, but prior to the final published version (which instead includes: copy and stylistic edits, online and print formatting, citation and other linking, deposit in abstracting and indexing services, and the addition of bibliographic and other material).
- Proof: Any of several versions of a work created as part of a formal publication process after acceptance and before the definitive work, pre-copyedited and following peer review.
- Publisher’s version / Version of Record / Published Journal Article: [Elsevier] The published journal article is the definitive final record of publish research that appears or will appear in the journal and embodies all value-adding publishing activities including peer review co-ordination, copy-editing, formatting, (if relevant) pagination and online enrichment. [Oxford University Press] The version of record is the final typeset and edited version of the journal article that has been made available by the editor by formally and exclusively declaring the article “published”. This includes any ‘advanced access’ article even before the compilation of a volume issue. [Taylor & Francis] The final, definitive, citable version of your paper, which has been copyedited, typeset, had metadata applied, and has been allocated a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). [Wiley] The publisher’s version is the final article.
- Embargo [Wikipedia] In academic publishing, an embargo is a period during which access to academic journals is not allowed to users who have not paid for access (or have access through their institution).
- Eprint [Wikipedia] In academic publishing, an eprint or e-print is a digital version of a research document (usually a journal article, but could also be a thesis, conference paper, book chapter, or a book) that is accessible online, whether from a local institutional, or a central (subject- or discipline based) digital repository. When applied to journal articles, the term “eprint” covers both preprints (before peer review) and postprints (after peer review).
- Reprint [Wikipedia] The word reprint refers to hard copies of papers that have already been published; reprints can be produced by the journal publisher, but can also be generated from digital versions (for example, from an electronic database of peer-reviewed journals, such as EBSCOhost), or from eprints self-archived by their authors in their institutional repositories.
Library Staff: Matilda M. Clarkson
Office: Ground floor ex-ISEF Bldg., 1st Floor Rectorate Bldg.
email: –
Tel.: +39 0862 4280 259 , +39 335 6565033